Board And Kayak
Updated on 5/4/2024
Hyperlite Time Machine Wakesurfer

Hyperlite Time Machine Wakesurfer


Hyperlite Time Machine Wakesurfer

The Hyperlite Time Machine Wakesurfer is designed with advanced features to enhance your riding experience. One of its standout features is the Layered Glass technology. Unlike traditional woven glass fibers that may separate over time, the Layered Glass ensures that every Hyperlite deck maintains its pop off the double up year after year.

Another great feature is the Cork Traction + Eva Kick Tail. The cork laminate on this board absorbs just enough water to become tacky and grippie, covering the full surfboard from tip to tail. This ensures that you have excellent control and traction while riding.

The tail shape of the Hyperlite Time Machine is also unique - diamond-shaped. The corners of the diamond tail deliver more pivotal and sharp turning characteristics, allowing you to make quick and precise maneuvers on the water.

This wakesurfer also comes with a quad fin setup, providing more control and speed. The design directs water to the end of the board and out the tail, resulting in better acceleration and a smoother ride.

Lastly, the Hyperlite Time Machine features Machined Eva Traction with a diamond-shaped pattern. The ultra-grade Eva foam with a rough finish increases grip and hold, ensuring that you stay connected to the board at all times.

In summary, the Hyperlite Time Machine Wakesurfer is a high-performance board equipped with innovative features. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced rider, this wakesurfer will take your riding to the next level.