Board And Kayak
Updated on 5/17/2024
Apex Suede Vision Line Rope

Apex Suede Vision Line Rope


Liquid Force Apex Suede Vision Line Rope

The Liquid Force Apex Suede Vision Line Rope offers a blend of modern performance and classic design. Its long arm package delivers exceptional performance on the water. The quilted ultrasuede grip not only looks stylish but also provides a comfortable and secure hold. The smooth flexing end caps enhance the overall riding experience.

Featuring a no-stretch 100% Dyneema line, the Liquid Force Apex ensures maximum power and responsiveness. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced rider, this rope is designed to meet your needs and elevate your skills to new heights. Experience top-level performance with the Liquid Force Apex Suede Vision Line Rope.


Activity: Wakeboarding

Manufacturer Warranty: 1 year

Length: 70ft (45ft + 5ft + 5ft + 5ft + 5ft + 5ft handle)

Construction: Rope: coated Dyneema, no stretch, Handle: aluminum bar, ultra suede