Board And Kayak
Updated on 5/18/2024
NXT Black Label Kit - 4 Piece

NXT Black Label Kit - 4 Piece


NXT Black Label Kit

The NXT Black Label Kit is an affordable and versatile fishing kit designed specifically for beginner anglers. It is an ideal entry point for those who are new to the sport. This kit is ready to fish, eliminating the need for any additional accessories or setup.

With both a 5 and 8 weight configuration included, anglers have the flexibility to fish in rivers or at sea, depending on their preference. The medium-fast action of this kit ensures a balanced and enjoyable experience for both experts and novices alike.

One of the standout features of this kit is the inclusion of an appropriate line and tapered leader, taking away the hassle of selecting the right components. Beginners can now focus on their casting technique without worrying about the technical details. Additionally, the reconstituted cork handle ensures durability and longevity, making it suitable for multiple fishing trips.

The anodized and chromium-impregnated materials used in this kit make it equally suitable for saltwater fishing, further enhancing its versatility. Whether you are targeting average or large fish, the NXT Black Label Kit provides a forgiving and tip-focused cast that reduces the learning curve and enhances your angling skills.

Regardless of your skill level, the NXT Black Label Kit is a reliable and high-performance choice that will meet your fishing needs. So grab this kit and head out for a memorable fishing experience.


Rod Length: 9ft

Rod Action: medium-fast

Rod Weight: 5-weight, 8-weight

Rod Handle: [5-weight] half-wells, [8-weight] full-wells

Rod Pieces: 4

Reel Material: anodized aluminum

Drag System: stainless steel alternating disc

Backing Capacity: [5-weight] 100 yards, [8-weight] 125 yards

Line Weight: 5-weight, 8-weight

Includes: rod, spooled reel, case

Claimed Weight: [5-weight] 4oz, [8-weight] 4.6oz

Recommended Use: river fishing, saltwater fishing