Board And Kayak
Updated on 6/1/2024
Superflo Universal Taper Float Fly Line

Superflo Universal Taper Float Fly Line


Experience unmatched versatility with the Superflo Universal Taper Float Fly Line

The Superflo Universal Taper Float Fly Line is designed to cater to a wide range of fly fishing applications. Whether you're fishing at short range or need to reach long distances, this fly line delivers exceptional performance every time.

Featuring a longer rear taper, this fly line provides you with multiple pick up points, making it easier to achieve accurate casts. The wide range of fly sizes that this fly line can handle is truly impressive, giving you the flexibility to switch up your fly choices without worrying about your line's performance.

The Superflo Universal Taper Float Fly Line incorporates a haul zone, extending the usable head length even further. This translates to improved control and accuracy, ensuring that you hit your target with precision.

One of the standout features of this fly line is its ultra-thin running line. Not only does this thin running line shoot through the guides effortlessly, enhancing your casting distance, but it also takes up less spool space, allowing you to bring additional gear without sacrificing line capacity.


Material: PVC-free polyurethane

Overall Length: 90ft

Fly Line Weight: WF3F, WF4F, WF5F, WF6F, WF7F, WF8F, WF9F

Fly Line Style: weight-forward, double-taper

Fly Line Type: floating

Taper Design: triangular, all-around

Tip: micro loop

Front Taper: 8ft

Belly: 15ft

Rear Belly: 4ft

Rear Taper: [rear taper] 12ft

Haul Zone: 12ft

Running Line: 39ft

Recommended Use: river fishing, stillwater fishing, saltwater fishing