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Updated on 4/26/2024
Abigail ScottBy Abigail Scott
I'm Abigail Scott, an author, adventurer, and mother of three. When I'm not navigating the beautiful chaos of motherhood, you can find me tackling the turbulent waters as a professional whitewater kayaker or scaling impressive rock faces as a climbing guide. The rush of adrenaline, whether from kayaking or climbing, is a feeling I cherish deeply. But the thrill doesn't stop there; I capture the breathtaking allure of nature through my lens as a professional photographer. And when I'm not submerged in the wild, my software engineering skills amplify my outdoor pursuits, allowing me to harness technology in unique ways. Through my writings, whether articles or blog posts, I share not just my adventures but my heart, hoping to spark a flame of inspiration in others to break boundaries and experience the world's wonders.
Learn More about Abigail Scott
Kayak Bilge Pump + Float

Kayak Bilge Pump + Float


Why We Like The NRS Kayak Bilge Pump + Float

When it comes to bailing us out in challenging situations, the NRS Kayak Bilge Pump + Float is our go-to solution. This powerful pump is capable of pumping an impressive 8 gallons of water per minute, swiftly expelling water from our boat and allowing us to get back on the water in no time. With its convenient design, we can easily strap it on top of our kayak, ensuring that it is always within reach, providing us with added confidence as we navigate waves and open water.


  • Bilge pump: A safety essential for our kayak
  • Easy-to-use pump handle
  • Float: Prevents the pump from sinking if accidentally dropped
  • Bright yellow color: Ensures easy visibility on the water


Material: ABS plastic

Pump Rate: 8 gallons/minute

Dimensions: 21in

Claimed Weight: 12oz

Activity: paddling